4050 UVLS Gloss Clear: Adhesive primer works excellent as an adhesive promoter for making paint stick to plastic, metal, glass and other difficult to paint substrates.
- 4050 is direct-to- metal, with excellent adhesion to brass, polished steel, and other metals without risk of corrosion.
- For best adhesion onto polished, non-sanded metals, glass and ceramics
- allow 48-hours air drying before applying paint over 4050.
- reduce with 4011 Reducer
6000 Transparent Sealer is a clear sealer which has the highest adhesive properties of any AutoBorne Sealer.
- Spot repair: Apply over underlying paint that needs to be “lock-down” due to minor failure, peeling.
- Pearl Carrier: Mix with dry pearl or metal flake. Add pearl or flake up to 20% per volume for proper adhesion & coating performance.
- reduce with 4011 Reducer
5092 Flexible Adhesion Promoter: An acrylic resin clear intended for use as an adhesive coating direct to latex before applying paint. 5092 is a specialty adhesion promoter intended to match the Hardness / durometer of latex. Helps prevent paint conform to the flexible nature of latex and from flaking or peeling off.